I don't think I even enjoyed Halloween this much when I was a kid. As you can see, my enthusiasm is shared by Arthur over there. Now that I have 2 little elves, I couldn't be more excited. And I am not one of those moms who is worried about elder elf eating candy- heck, it's all about the candy : ) We are gearing up for lots of tricksters tonight- last year we had over 250. It was great to see everyone. I love it. Pizza, beer, costumes, what more could you ask for??? Well, we could ask for Nanny June to be here in Washington with us. It is my mom's birthday today. Isn't today a great day for a birthday? I hope she is having a wonderful day and I wish we could be together to celebrate. Happy Birthday Mumsey! In knitting news, I have been working on Hourglass and should be done after this weekend. Then, we'll see about the fit. Elder elf has now claimed Kate as her own. She said that tiny elf can have the coveted Artie cat , and she can have Kate. That saves me f...
I wish I were knitting, yet in the meantime, there's family, friends, food and fun...